
Access to NVIDIA NIM Now Available Free to Developer Program Members

Source: Access to NVIDIA NIM Now Available Free to Developer Program Members

The ability to use simple APIs to integrate pretrained AI foundation models into products and experiences has significantly increased developer usage of LLM endpoints and application development frameworks. NVIDIA NIM enables developers and engineering teams to rapidly deploy their own AI model endpoints for the secure development of accelerated generative AI applications using popular development tools and frameworks.

Developers said they want easier access to NIM for development purposes, so NVIDIA is excited to provide free access to downloadable NIM microservices for development, testing, and research to over 5M NVIDIA Developer Program members. Members of the program are provided comprehensive resources, training, tools, and a community of experts that help build accelerated applications and solutions.

View more on Access to NVIDIA NIM Now Available Free to Developer Program Members.


A Simple Guide to Deploying Generative AI with NVIDIA NIM

Source: A Simple Guide to Deploying Generative AI with NVIDIA NIM

Whether you’re working on-premises or in the cloud, NVIDIA NIM microservices provide enterprise developers with easy-to-deploy optimized AI models from the community, partners, and NVIDIA. Part of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, NIM offers a secure, streamlined path forward to iterate quickly and build innovations for world-class generative AI solutions.

Using a single optimized container, you can easily deploy a NIM microservice in under 5 minutes on accelerated NVIDIA GPU systems in the cloud or data center, or on workstations and PCs. Alternatively, if you want to avoid deploying a container, you can begin prototyping your applications with NIM APIs from the NVIDIA API Catalog

View more on A Simple Guide to Deploying Generative AI with NVIDIA NIM


Build Generative AI With NVIDIA NIM

Explore the latest optimized AI models, connect applications to data with NVIDIA NIM™ Agent Blueprints, and deploy anywhere with NVIDIA NIM microservices.

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Supermicro JumpStart Program Enhanced with NVIDIA GPU Servers

Supermicro has expanded its JumpStart Program to include NVIDIA GPU servers, broadening the scope for businesses looking to accelerate their applications with cutting-edge graphics processing power. This inclusion allows enterprises to leverage AI, machine learning, and deep learning capabilities more efficiently.

This program provides businesses with a seamless way to adopt and integrate high-performance computing solutions tailored to their unique needs. It offers pre-configured systems, rapid deployment, and ongoing support to maximize productivity and efficiency.

It is particularly beneficial for IT professionals who can test and optimize their systems in real-world conditions before the hardware investment.

As a trusted partner, Xenya is well-equipped to guide customers through every stage of the JumpStart Program. With expertise in high-performance computing and server solutions, Xenya assists in selecting, configuring, and deploying the right Supermicro systems to meet business goals.

Furthermore Xenya, as an elite NVIDIA partner, specializes in integrating these advanced NVIDIA GPU servers within the Supermicro framework, offering customers a streamlined pathway to harnessing the power of AI and graphics-intensive applications. Xenya’s team provides expert advice on selecting and configuring the optimal NVIDIA GPU servers to match specific business needs, ensuring a smooth integration and maximizing system performance.

For more information on how Xenya can help you utilize Supermicro’s JumpStart program to enhance your systems, please contact us via phone or e-mail.


Ordering NVIDIA Blackwell Systems Now Available

We are pleased to announce that it is now possible to place an order and receive a delivery date for NVIDIA Blackwell Systems. Contact us at

Systems like the NVIDIA Blackwell GB200 NVL72 and Supermicro NVIDIA HGX B200 8-GPU are bringing a new dimension to the world of supercomputers and artificial intelligence.

Additional resources:


Order Supermicro HGX servers with NVIDIA H100 or H200 GPUs

We are pleased to announce that Xenya can deliver Supermicro NVIDIA HGX™ H100 and Supermicro NVIDIA HGX™ H200 8-GPU servers within 20-40 days (typically 30 days)*. Hurry up with your order and get GPU super servers for discounted price.

For more information about Supermicro NVIDIA HGX H100/H200 8-GPU Systems, please visit the Supermicro website.

Note*: the exact delivery date may vary depending on many factors, such as system configuration and market availability, and will be confirmed at the time of order confirmation!


Supermicro – tehnološke novosti na srečanju partnerjev 2013

Konec avgusta je v Milanu potekalo tradicionalno poletno srečanje partnerjev proizvajalca Supermicro, ki se ga je udeležila tudi štiričlanska delegacija iz našega podjetja. Kot vedno je Supermicro predstavil kar precej novosti, ki mu stalno zagotavljajo prednost pred ‘večjimi’ znamkami.

Trenutno že poteka tranzicija plošč iz podnožja 1155 (Bromolow) v podnožje 1150 (Denlow) s podporo za Xeone E3 tretje generacije. Prihajajo tudi nove plošče za delovne postaje, namizne računalnike in tudi novost – plošče in ohišja za igralne računalnike, kjer dobite s čimmanjšo porabo energije in prostora bodo na voljo miniaturne mini-ITX plošče s procesorjema BayTrail Celeron (10W) ali 8-jedrnim Atomom po imenu Avoton (20W). Novost pa so komunikacijske plošče, s katerimi se bo dalo sestaviti požarni zid ali usmerjevalnik po meri uporabnika. Prilagojena ohišja so zelo plitva (globina od 35cm pa celo do 25cm), da se jih da zlahka vgraditi v komunikacijske omarice.

Na voljo bodo tudi že krmilniki nove generacije (SAS3), s prenosom podatkov do 12Gb/s. Poleg izvedbe v obliki dodatne PCI-E kartice ali vgrajene na plošči bo dobavljiv še v obliki ‘mezzanin’ modula, ki se ga namesti na ploščo na poseben priključek in s tem ne zaseda PCI-E rež na plošči, sploh če je strežnik oblike 1U in s tem omejen v številu dodatnih kartic. V primeru, če je krmilnik vgrajen na plošči, pa je vključen tudi v sistem nadzora in upravljanja na daljavo (IPMI).

Za zmanjševanje stroškov za hlajenje se dobi tudi serija plošč in strežnikov, namenjenih za podatkovne centre, ki zanesljivo delujejo tudi pri temperaturi do 47°C.

Pri ohišjih tudi prihajajo novosti – ena glavnih je možnost hkratne vgradnje redundantnih napajalnikov in baterijskih UPS modulov, ki zagotavljajo delovanje v primeru okvare napajalnika ali kratkotrajno delovanje v primeru izpada elektrike.

Za sisteme, ki potrebujejo visoko gostoto podatkovnega prostora, so na voljo ohišja z globino 35” in višino 4U, kamor lahko vgradite neverjetnih 72 hot-swap diskov velikosti 3,5”. Če pa je ohišje brez plošče in deluje le kot zunanje diskovno polje za primarni sistem, se število diskov povzpne že na 90. S trenutno največjimi 4TB diski si zagotovite gostoto 360TB na višino 4U! Obstaja tudi posebno 1U ohišje, ki res ne podpira hot-swap priklopa diskov velikosti 3,5”, jih pa zato lahko vgradite kar dvanajst, za nameček pa še dva velikosti 2,5” za sistem! Vsa ohišja so tudi optimizirana in preizkušena glede zagotavljanja hlajenja in pretoka zraka.

Nazadnje naj omenimo še sisteme za masivne računske operacije, ki računajo s pomočjo dodanih posebnih računskih grafičnih kartic (GPU), kot so Nvidia Tesla, Nvidia Kepler, Xeon Phi in podobne. Sistemi se dobijo v obliki samostojnih vgradnih ali samostoječih strežnikov, pa tudi v rezinah (blade), kjer si lahko sestavimo svojo gručo od 10 do 20 rezin v enem ohišju z medsebojno povezljivostjo po Infiniband protokolu do 56Gb/s (standard FDR).
